Learn the different keys
In every beatmap file, there's different numbers and letters in order so the game knows what to produce when playing. Here are the keys for each note and each rest.
How are these used?
When charting, in order for different notes to show you need to put a letter that relates to the note in your editor. So if I put B in the file, the game would send a Left note, and if I put A, the game would send an Up note. With this information go to the notes dropdown and try memorise it, then try these questions to help you learn.
Left, Right, Left, Right
Your turn!
Up, Down, Up, Down
Up, Left, Down, Right
Right, Up, Down, Left
Working backwards
Lets try convert these from letters into their notes, the same way the game would.
You try
What are these?
When charting, you need space in order for all the notes to not come and once and possibly crash your game. This is why we have rests to keep them apart. Now before we can do that we need to have some good musical understanding. These will all have 4 beats in a bar so they're easier. Your job is to put where the note would land on a bar with 4 beats.
Left on the first beat, Right on the third beat
You try
Up on the second beat, Down on the fourth
Down on the third beat
Left on the first beat, Up on the third and right on the fourth
Here's where it gets confusing...
Now in an actual beatmap file it looks nothing like this. As established, we use the note letters in order to place a note, and for rests we use numbers. If you've forgotten, check the rests dropdown. So if I wanted left, rest, right, rest, I would put B1D1, because B is left, 1 is a one beat rest, and D is right, correct?
Yes and no. Notes do not have set durations, which means we need to set the duration, but how? Well by using rests!
B1 is the note left lasting for one beat, the letter meaning the note and the number meaning the duration. B11 is the note left lasting for one beat, and then a rest in between them, making it left, rest. To make this easier, think of it like this.
B1 1 D1 1 - This is the same as left, rest, right, rest. The ones highlighted in red are the notes and a rest setting their duration, and the blue ones are the rests. So basically rests can be used to set a notes duration and as a rest.
So if I wanted left, rest, right, rest, I would have to type B11D11. Although, if you noticed 5 is the same as 2 beats, and 11 is 2 beats as its 2 1 beats squished together, so alternatively the answers B5D5. Think you understand? Try these questions.
Rest, Up, Rest, Down
Left, Right, Left, Right
Think you got what it takes? Try these.
Left, Rest, Up, Right
Up, Left, Down, Right
Congratulations! You did it! You're close to becoming a charting master. But before that, we still need to get more familiar with charting.
Make sure to remember this, you'll need it for the next page.
Last updated